Doctor Dave
You don’t have to be sick to get better. That was the theme of some of my presentations this year. I gave the presentations dressed like the character ‘Doctor Dave’, complete with a white coat and stethoscope. Why? Just to make a statement.
Every organization can improve, but they key to success is to actually want it. You need to have a drive to keep getting better, bit by bit. It’s not always about the big, innovative steps. If you take one baby step towards improvement each day, it all adds up at the end of the year.
But how do you know whether you’re taking the right steps? And what steps should you take to improve your customer satisfaction?
My drive originally comes from the hotel industry. I’ve had the pleasure of working for a number of international hotel chains in the Netherlands and abroad. Together with my colleagues, we wanted to make people happy no matter what. And if that didn’t work, we’d pull out all the stops to make it work.
Let’s be honest though, every motivated employee, regardless of the industry, thinks that way. Both the customers and yourself get a much better feeling when your customers are happy with you.
The more we have clients like this, the more we enjoy both our own work and our life. And the more employees are having a good time, the more fun they can make it for the customers. Winning outside means starting inside. That is how it will always be in this world; enthusiastic employees ensure enthusiastic customers and vice versa.
What do you say? Shall we make it a better world together? With more enthusiastic customers?
Feel free to contact me to see what we can do for each other.
On behalf of Focus Feedback,
Dave Wurms.