Customer Satisfaction for Success

Your customer is the true expert when it comes to your company’s performance. That’s why we give your customers a voice. We analyze loyalty, enthusiasm, and customer satisfaction, making sure that customer feedback is always given top priority. With a focus on continuous improvement and enthusiasm, we strengthen your organization and make it future-proof. Discover the valuable insights that emerge from feedback and continue to grow.

Customer loyalty makes the difference

It’s the customer experiences that determine whether your product, service or even your entire organization is successful and sustainable. Therefore, it’s crucial to know what customers think and what they experience. Customers are the most valuable advisors and the best experts.

The better the customer experience, the more enthusiastic they are. And it’s precisely those enthusiastic customers who are more loyal and recommend your product or service to others. This enhances your organization’s image, reduces costs, and increases revenue.

Klantonderzoek en klanttevredenheid meten

Focus Feedback biedt software om klanttevredenheid te meten. Wij bieden je:

Een gepersonaliseerde omgeving;
Een ongelimiteerd aantal gebruikers;
Het ongelimiteerd uitsturen van enquêtes;
Notificaties over ontvangen klantfeedback;
Het zelf inrichten van dashboards;
Feedback classificatie;
Gemakkelijk opvolgen van feedback met de Closed Loop Feedback module;
Het gemakkelijk delen van feedback (zowel intern als extern).

En nog veel meer! Ben je benieuwd naar alle mogelijkheden?

Customer research and measuring customer satisfaction

Focus Feedback provides software for measuring customer satisfaction. We offer you:

  • A personalized environment;
  • An unlimited number of users;
  • The unlimited distribution of surveys;
  • Notifications when customer feedback is received;
  • Self-setup of dashboards;
  • Feedback classification;
  • Easy follow-up on feedback with the Closed Loop Feedback module;
  • Easy sharing of feedback (both internally and externally).

And much more! Curious about all the possibilities?

Remmers Bouwgroep
De Nederlandse Zorg Bemiddelaar
Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau
Unica Building Projects
Unica Fire Safety
Janssen de Jong Projectontwikkeling
Dura Vermeer
Van Dijnsen
Era Contour
Doornbos Equipment
JP van Eesteren