Juul van Schijndel at VORM

We spoke with Juul van Schijndel, customer manager at VORM. She strives to increase customer and partner loyalty to a higher level within VORM. We are very curious about how she does this and why she chose to work with Focus Feedback.
What prompted your collaboration with Focus Feedback?
“VORM’s goal is to be the most responsible and innovative building developer. High customer satisfaction is an essential part of this. To achieve this, various changes had already been implemented, often based on assumptions. In 2015, we started measuring customer loyalty with Focus Feedback. This provided clear insight into the current state of affairs, so we knew exactly what the starting point was. From there, we began to improve with a specific focus.”
Why do you think it is so important to collect feedback?
“Nothing is more powerful than feedback from customers themselves. As a customer manager, I can teach employees a lot about the impact of services, processes, and behavior, but it only becomes truly tangible when the customer tells it themselves. Focusing on real customer feedback leads to a targeted approach and ultimately even happier customers. And employees! Because we have insight, we know what makes customers happy, what can be improved, or even what is unnecessary. The result? More satisfied customers and employees. Working on customer loyalty always results in a win-win situation.”
How do you ensure that NPS is alive within VORM?
“Everyone at VORM has customers. For one, it is the buyer, for another, an investor or a colleague. To involve everyone in customer loyalty, we created the e-learning ‘Happy with VORM’. Every employee learns what customer-oriented work is, why we consider it important, and how to approach it. We also use the dashboards from Focus Feedback. We have collected quotes from Focus Feedback in a movie. This way, we can convey the customer experience well.
Every business unit annually sets its ambition in the area of customer loyalty and satisfaction. We then make plans on how to achieve this. This cannot be done without a good tool. Focus Feedback provides exactly what is needed: insight into NPS and feedback for everyone. We can immediately contact a customer if something is not going well or thank them for a compliment. By classifying feedback, we quickly see where action is needed.”
Are you yourself a promoter of Focus Feedback?
“Absolutely! I am incredibly enthusiastic about Focus Feedback. They always think along. With the help of Focus Feedback, we now also measure the loyalty of our partners. For an organization like VORM, insight into service is really necessary. Additionally, I enjoy working with them: we share the passion for customers. They understand what it takes to exceed customer experience. And you notice that in the collaboration.”
More success stories
Focus Feedback has a far reach: we’ve requested feedback for customers in the most varied industries and in numerous languages. Read about how our customers have made their own customers and employees enthusiastic.