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- Happiness at work works for every organization
Happiness at work is a term that you hear more and more often. We can’t deny it anymore. But what is the meaning of happiness at work? How do you improve it? And is it measurable? We will answer all of these questions in this article.
What is happiness at work?
If you want to improve happiness at work, we should start with explaining the meaning of it. We will keep the answer short and sweet: work happiness is the degree of pleasure and satisfaction you get from your work. This can depend on many different factors.
Why is it important?
We have a lot of experience in customer satisfaction surveys. Something we see over and over again is that the degree of employee satisfaction has an influence on the degree of satisfied customers. Happiness at work has a direct effect on the performance of your organization, because happy employees make happy customers! And happy customers are your best marketing tool, they create even more happy customers. Now that you know this, what is holding you back from increasing job satisfaction for your employees?
How do I measure happiness at work?
The first step in increasing job satisfaction is to measure it. Focus Feedback has been measuring customer satisfaction for years. But how satisfied are your internal customers? We can help you with this by measuring the eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) or, what we call it, the EFX (Employee Focus Experience).
Time for action
You now know the meaning and importance of job happiness and how you can measure it. During the research into the EFX, you will also receive tips from your customers on what you can do to make their work even more fun or better. You must take action on those tips. Not doing anything with the outcome of the EFX is even worse than not measuring at all. You’ve created expectations. Now it’s your job to live up to those expectations.
Happiness at work is fun!
You can do many different things to improve happiness at work. The results of your eNPS/EFX research are leading. Your employees determine the direction, but you determine the way. Our advice: add some fun into the equation! Increasing happiness at work works best if the method directly contributes to this. The Employee Experience Game is a fun way to put work happiness and employee satisfaction on the map. Do you want to know more about this? Feel free to contact us!
Job satisfaction therefore contributes to employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and thus the overall performance of an organization. Happiness at work works! So what are you waiting for?
We hope these tips will help you create more smiles. Do you have any questions, or would you like more help or tips? Please don’t hesitate to let us know!