Remy van Zanten, Unitmanager Housing Heembouw

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- Interim feedback to help continuous improvement at Heembouw
NPS identifies and motivates
“The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is essential to realize our vision: create homes where people want to live. How do we find out if we are succeeding? It’s simple, we ask. With Focus Feedback we measure customer satisfaction four times during the purchase/construction process: after the purchase, the approval of more/less construction work, delivery and after-sales service. This way, we can fine tune our service response during the entire construction process.
From 6 A4 pages to 3 questions
“We ask customers only the same three questions: what are we doing well, what could we improve and would you recommend us to others. A complete departure from our previous survey of six A4 pages, but much more powerful! Furthermore, these are open questions to which customers choose to answer as they please. The feedback is therefore no longer steered by the organisation, but entirely customer-driven.”
“We now understand things that we ourselves would not have included in our old questionnaire, but which prove to be extremely valuable.”
Better final score
“We used to do NPS measurements only once after delivery. Now we have four feedback moments to engage in a dialogue with customers and provide solutions. This is valuable to us and especially to our customers. They value the personal attention and are more positive in each subsequent phase. The result is a better final score.”
“Employees are also motivated to improve. A negative feedback is an opportunity! Our goal is a recommendation score of 9 and an NPS of 30 or higher*. The NPS is the ultimate translation of our philosophy: to ensure that buying and building a house is a big celebration for the customer”.
Are you a Focus Feedback promoter?
“Focus Feedback is for me the best way to get customer feedback. We now understand things that we ourselves would not have included in our old questionnaire, but which prove to be extremely valuable. Heembouw envisions expanding in other sectors, so are we a promoter? Absolutely!”
*The benchmark that Heembouw uses on the company website is based on a study into B2B customer centricity conducted by TNS NIPO (March 2015), which revealed an average NPS of -33 for service.
Heembouw creates places where people want to live, work and do business. The company operates from multiple locations with about 230 employees, with the head office located in Roelofarendsveen. As a construction company, Heembouw offers customers a comprehensive approach to their housing demand and focuses on three customer groups: commercial premises, offices, and housing. Heembouw is the first construction company in the Netherlands that shares the opinions and reviews of its customers in an open and transparent fashion. The company hereby steers its activities and success with the Net Promoter Score(NPS).
More success stories
Focus Feedback has a far reach: we’ve requested feedback for customers in the most varied industries and in numerous languages. Read about how our customers have made their own customers and employees enthusiastic.