Benno van Dam, Supply Chain Manager & Warehouse Manager ERA Contour, Zoetermeer
Benno van Dam, Supply Chain Manager & Warehouse Manager ERA Contour, Zoetermeer
“For us, Focus Feedback is not simply an in-house developed system that provides score figures, but rather a methodology that encompasses everything, your entire way of working.”
Higher and better response
“ERA Contour stands for happy and satisfied customers. Naturally we achieve this with high quality building projects, but also with prompt and personal
interaction with our customers at selected crucial moments in the buying process. Our previous surveys were yielding a much too low average response rate
of 1.5% and hardly any substantive information. Now, with Focus Feedback, customer response jumped to 30% and we get a bulk of valuable information at key moments.
So, the builder is happy too!”
Link with HomeDNA
“Linking Focus Feedback with HomeDNA , has been of great value to us. The portal, which we developed together, provides access to all buyer information in one place,
from the purchase up to and including the delivery of the house. Other builders also use this portal. From HomeDNA, we can send automatic surveys through this portal,
which brings convenience to the customer, saves us time and prevents mistakes.”
“Because our ERA Contour employees have direct contact with buyers, this generates better interaction and more insight.”
Respond to all feedback
“Every Friday morning, we have a meeting in our customer obeya (*) with 15 process leaders and the management team to discuss all incoming reviews, about 15 to 20 per week. We provide a follow up response to every review, whether it is by resolving a problem, adjusting our processes according to the feedback, or by sending flowers or a thank you note. Because our ERA Contour employees have direct contact with buyers, this generates better interaction and more insight.”
Wall of Fame (of Happy Customers)
“The theme ‘happy customers’ is tangible in our company. From the obeya, process leaders bring the feedback figures and reactions at their weekly team meetings.
We have a ‘Wall of Fame of Happy Customers’ of 10m2 on display with positive customer reactions from the performance reviews in the collected feedback, from e-mails
or social media, sometimes with photos. We publish on the intranet and have office monitors that continuously display the customer reactions from the Wall of Fame.
This promotes insight and awareness.”
Are you a Focus Feedback promoter?
“Yes, I sure am, especially because of the different measurement moments it allows during the process, the direct portal with HomeDNA and the simple structure of
the surveys: three very short questions. I am really enthusiastic about Focus Feedback and I am also actively sharing that with other builders.”
(*) Obeya is a Japanese term used in Lean Management which means ‘big space’. It literally refers to a physical (office) space where all relevant information about projects is visible to everyone. Often an obeya also stands for shorter – and therefore more productive – meetings. Read more about this in the short article in Industry Week.
ERA Contour
“ERA Contour is a building and development company with a head office located in Zoetermeer. Under the motto ‘Strong cities, happy customers’, the company is a builder and developer mainly within cities and in surrounding urban areas. Projects vary from new construction, urban transformation and neighbourhood development, to renovation, maintenance and management projects. ERA Contour currently employs about 350 people.
Focus Feedback has a far reach: we’ve requested feedback for customers in the most varied industries and in numerous languages. Read about how our customers have made their own customers and employees enthusiastic.